
June 10, 2017 | Prototype Casting

More Rapid Prototyping Myths

At Prototype Casting, rapid prototyping is at the core of what we do. Building prototypes serves a variety of purposes, including creating models to serve as a small scale for engineers and designers to plan out large-scale operations. Prototype creation hosts certain benefits, including production evaluation and evolution prior to manufacturing investments, which allows for an easy evaluation for customers pre-launch. Also, creating small-scale prototypes will streamline the design of the product in order to reduce costs for the product in the future.

As useful as rapid investment and rapid prototype casting has proven to be, it unfortunately comes with a number of misunderstandings from people. At Prototype Casting, we find that although this key activity involved in product development proves beneficial for companies, many organizations do not utilize the prototyping process to its full potential. Why is that? Well, as we just mentioned, the misconceptions regarding rapid prototyping are likely at least partially to blame.

While rapid prototyping and investment casting processes are not always a perfect science, people should realize that’s the nature of the industry. After all the whole purpose of the metal casting process is to test and experiment with things that are unknown, or even experiment with ideas that are just plain wrong. Yet, the process can also test ideas that prove worthy of further evaluation. Let’s look at a few common misconceptions of rapid prototyping and rapid investment casting.

Myth: Prototyping Is Too Costly

A prototype is not a finished, ‘go-to market’ product, so it only needs to achieve the basic design or functionality needs of the desired application. When people think of prototyping, they typically think of all these fancy, heavy duty materials that are necessary to create the ideal prototype. In reality, a prototype only needs to be a representation of a final, idealized product. For complex or complicated prototype jobs that require special attention, you can count on the metal casting team at Prototype Casting to get the prototype that you need.

Myth: Prototyping Takes Too Long

Though prototyping may have taken longer in the past without the use of machine automation and other precision-controlled computerized technology, there’s a reason that we refer to our business practices as ‘rapid’ prototyping. Prototype Casting provides a reasonable turnaround time in order to make your dreams and visions into a tangible reality. After all, some of the most effective prototypes made for people in the past ended up being relatively simple, conceptual-based prototypes.

Myth: One Prototype Is All You Get

Another misunderstanding of rapid prototyping and investment casting is that once your prototype is created, a different one cannot be made – like you couldn’t change or alter the original design, as if you were drawing in pen. With our rapid prototyping and investment casting services, you can change the prototype design as necessary to get the results that you’re looking for with your business operation.

Learn More About Our Rapid Prototyping Services

At Prototype Casting, we are more than able to take care of your metal casting and other prototyping needs based on different materials. We take pride in helping our customers make their dreams and concepts into a tangible reality, and we encourage you to look deeper into our services in the Denver area for anything you or your business needs related to rapid prototyping.