August 3, 2017 | Prototype Casting
Our Metal Foundry Engineers Can Help Reverse Engineer Your Part
One of the things our metal foundry is very good at is reverse engineering. This means you have a piece that you need to recreate but aren’t sure how it was made. We employ experienced, knowledgeable engineers who love to work on a puzzle like this. They will take your piece apart, figure out how it works and how it was made, and then create a plan to remake it. Reverse engineering can be a complicated process depending on the pieces that you need to recreate, but our team is ready to take it on.
Think Outside the Box
This is a great way to recreate worn out tools and parts for your equipment when you can’t find the right replacement. That can save you a lot of money on replacement costs, and it’s an invaluable service for antique pieces or parts that are no longer available on the retail market. You’ll get a piece that’s a perfect replacement for what you need and if something isn’t exactly right, we can retool it and make it perfect.
But Wait, There’s More
That isn’t the only thing the engineers at our metal foundry can do for you, either. We offer full engineering support which includes everything from checking your plans before we start your casting project to 3D CAD modeling. We can give you the level of support that you need to ensure the best final results. Ready to get started on your next project? Contact our metal foundry today at 855-231-8765 or contact us through our website to get started.