Month: May 2017

May 26

Prototype Casting

All About Precision Sand Casting

Here at Protocast, we offer several different methods of casting processes, including metal casting, rapid investment casting, permanent mold casting, rubber plaster mold casting, aluminum heat treatment and die casting. Today, we would like to dig in deeper and explore the topic of precision sand casting, another service our metal foundry offers. What Is Precision […]

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May 19

Prototype Casting

What is Rubber Plaster Mold Casting?

Here at Protocast Inc., we’re big fans of rubber plaster mold casting. We can already hear you asking–“What is rubber plaster mold casting and what can I use it for?” Don’t worry, because we’re here to answer all of your questions. What is Rubber Plaster Mold Casting? Simply put, we use a number of different […]

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May 12

Prototype Casting

Why You Should Use Metal Casting for Your Next Invention

If you’re looking into metal casting for your latest invention, there’s a good chance you’re curious about what other inventors are up to. That’s why we’ve decided to come up with a list of our favorite new inventions so far this year. What if your drink could float? That’s what led one Chicago inventor to […]

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May 05

Prototype Casting

Learn About Our Precision Sand Casting

If you’re looking into metal casting, there’s a good chance that you’ll need a prototype very quickly. That’s why we offer precision sand casting. What Exactly is Precision Sand Casting? Put simply, precision sand (also sometimes known as “no bake sand”) is fine grained sand that’s combined with a urethane binder in order to make […]

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